Monday, December 12, 2011

Hey Interns This One’s For You!!!!!

After Winter break most of you (if not all) are going to begin preparing for the internship season. You must thoroughly prepare. Regardless of the economic climate, competition is always stiff. They are a lot of student vying for those positions. I know… you’re probably saying I’m stating the obvious again, but hear me out.

I’ve been in your shoes before. I’ve been the intern being interviewed and I’ve been the interviewer. I know there’s a lot going on in your mind. There is a lot you have to communicate within the allotted 15 to 20 minutes. There’s a lot you have to remember to do and say to put yourself ahead of the competition. During the interview, your thoughts can be all over the place… sit up straight, don’t forget eye contact, no slang, articulate, and don’t forget to demonstrate company and field knowledge. The mental check list can go on and don’t forget to add nerves to the equation. Well, guess what?…When you’re doing your mental check list it really does show in the interview. To the interviewer you can come across as stiff and not sure of yourself.

To obtain a more natural you in an interview the best technique you can use to prepare yourself is role playing. Some business classes are currently conducting role play exercises but I recommend that you take it a step further. Get a study partner who is just as serious as you are about being successful and set up role playing sessions. I recommend at least 4 times a week. Record and critique each session. Once you and your study partner critique the video, invite someone else to do the same on your best session, someone who will offer excellent constructive criticism. This is valuable practice will develop a more natural interview for you. Those things that I mentioned in the beginning of the article are no longer an issue because you’ve practiced interviewing so many times it’s now a part of who you are as a candidate. This will free your mind up to focus your attention on selling yourself and make it a more engaging interview.

I wish you the best during interviewing season and feel free to comment. Join me on Twitter.

Take care!
Millicent G. Callahan